Poitinger Wealth
2735 Crawfis Blvd
Fairlawn, OH 44333
Phone: 330-864-1144 - Fax: 330-864-3002
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Financial Planning
We believe our wealth planning team can provide you with the best-in-class expertise and practices in the critical areas of financial independence and wealth accumulation, philanthropy, risk management, and wealth transfer. We develop creative, customized, and often unconventional approaches to identify and accomplish each of your unique financial objectives.
We not only provide advice just for your needs today, but our ongoing monitoring and services strive to both enhance decision-making in a wide variety of financial areas, and ensure constant progress towards meeting your goals.
We feel by ensuring a solid financial foundation you have the best opportunity to address your concerns and achieve your goals. The Poitinger Hierarchy of Financial Planning is a fundamental process which helps you build your goals upon a solid financial foundation.